Safety Group Consititution


1.1 Name

The name of the Group shall be “The North Lincs Health and Safety Group,”

formerly the Scunthorpe Area Executive Health and Safety Group.

1.2 Date established

Formed in 1945 with the help and advice of the Area Factory Inspectorate and The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA).

1.3 Status

The Group is a voluntary organisation and does not employ any full time paid members.

1.4 Affiliations

The Safety Group is affiliated to both RoSPA and the British Safety Council and is a member of Safety Groups UK.

1.5 Mission

The North Lincs Health and Safety Group will promote good working practice in health and safety.

The Safety Group will be at the forefront of providing up-to-date links to appropriate information on health safety and welfare.


2.1 To encourage local employers and others with an interest in health and safety to join the Safety Group, meet and contribute improvements in health safety and welfare.

2.2 Be a forum for problem solving on health and safety issues.

2.3 To promote Health, Safety and Welfare in the workplace by promulgation of information and advice on the Group’s web site.

2.4 To share Health & Safety expertise from within the Group.

2.5 To provide a platform for interchange of ideas and discussion via the Group’s web site forum

2.6 To establish an Executive Committee to work closely with the local support unit of the Health & Safety Executive, aiming to disseminate new and proposed Health & Safety legislation and advise on it.

2.7 To award success, within the Group, by an annual scheme which recognises achievement.

2.8 To increase awareness of the Group’s activities via local media.


3.1 Eligibility

Shall be open to any company /organisation or individual within North Lincolnshire. Any company / organisation or individual outside North Lincolnshire is eligible to be considered for Membership.

Each member / company shall nominate representatives to participate in the activities of the Group and will be encouraged to provide an equal number of management and non-management employees for this purpose.

Representatives unable to attend a meeting may send a substitute.

3.2 Life / Honorary Membership

Honorary and/or Life Membership may be granted by resolution at the AGM.

3.3 Termination of Membership by the Member

Any member may withdraw from the Group by giving notice, in writing duly signed, to the Group Secretary at least 6 weeks prior to the AGM.

In default of such notice being so given, a Member shall be liable to pay the subscription for the ensuing year.

3.4 Termination of Membership by the Group

a. Members, who bring the Group into disrepute as a result of consistent breaches of health and safety law, shall be the subject of a review by the Executive Committee and may have their membership terminated.

b. Upon a Member failing to pay the annual subscription within three months of it becoming due, the Secretary shall send him a notice in writing calling attention to such failure and if such subscription is not paid within one month of the sending of such notice, such member shall automatically cease to be a member, unless the Executive Committee shall determine otherwise.


4.1 Composition

The Group shall appoint the following officers:


The nomination for the appointment of Group President will be made by the Committee to be presented for adoption at the AGM.

Nominations for the appointment of the following positions, including those in 4.2 and 4.3 will be made by Group members and presented for adoption at the AGM.

Where appropriate, appointment may be decided by election at the AGM.




Public Relations Officer,

Media / Website Liaison Officer

Membership Co-ordinator.

4.2 Deputies & Non-executive Committee Members

Where possible, the Group shall also appoint the following Officers who shall deputise as required throughout the year:

Vice President

Vice Chairman

Assistant Treasurer

Assistant Public Relations Officer

The Group shall also appoint up to 4 Non-Executive Officers.

4.3 Co-opted Members

Where possible, members may be co-opted to the Committee at the discretion of the Officers.

4.4 Auditors

Two Auditors shall be appointed to examine the Group’s annual income and expenditure and confirm the balance in hand. The auditors’ statement shall be presented at the Annual General Meeting.

4.5 Election of Officers

Notice of those Officers due to retire together with nomination forms will be sent to all members, either in writing or by e-mail as soon as is practicable.

Where possible this should be no later than 8 weeks prior to the AGM taking place.

Nominations for office must be received at least 3 weeks prior to the AGM to allow for notification of voting requirements where there is more than one nomination for office.

4.6 Term of Office

All appointments shall be for 2 years.

Members wishing to remain in office after 2 years shall be required to inform the Group Secretary no later than 2 months prior to the AGM. The Group Secretary shall seek volunteers for Officer positions no later than 2 months prior to the AGM. Vacancies may be filled at any time, by co-option of suitable candidates at the discretion of the Committee, but they will need to stand down and be elected at the next AGM.

For continuity, the offices of President and Chairman will become vacant in alternate years.


The Committee shall operate under the direction of the Group Chairman.

Additional members may be co-opted as appropriate and shall manage the Group’s activities. Co-opted members have equal voting rights with the other committee members.

The Committee shall be responsible for planning the Group’s activities including the formation of such Subcommittees as may be necessary.

Decisions made by the Committee must be by quorum – this being 4 members of the Committee. The Committee shall nominate and appoint the President of the Group and shall also be responsible for recommending Life and/or Honorary Membership of the Group.


6.1 Financial year

The Group’s financial year shall run from January to December.

6.2 Subscription scale

The Group shall levy an annual subscription on each member company, or individual member, the amount(s) to be determined by the Committee and shall be adopted by Resolution at the Annual General Meeting.

6.3 Requirement for accounts to be maintained

The Treasurer shall keep true accounts of the sums of money received and expended by the Group and the matter in respect of which such receipt and expenditure takes place, and of the property, credits and liabilities of the Group. Once at least in every year the accounts of the Group shall be examined and the correctness of the balance sheet ascertained by two appointed Auditors.

6.4 Reporting to members

The financial report shall be presented the AGM and a copy sent to members where possible 4 weeks prior to the AGM.


7.1 Minutes

The Group Secretary, or a nominated representative, shall ensure that a full and accurate set of minutes is recorded for every Committee meeting and the AGM.

A formal record of actions agreed at Group Meetings will be made.

As a minimum, the following shall be recorded:

All appointments of officers

The names of the members of the committee present at each Committee and Group meeting.

All orders and decisions made by the Committee.

All resolutions and procedures of General Meetings and of meetings of the Group and any sub-committees.

7.2 Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting shall be held in March. Notice of the AGM will be sent to all members, either in writing or by e-mail, where  possible 8 weeks prior to the AGM taking place.

7.3 Rules for holding meetings

The Committee must meet at least 3 times per year, excluding the AGM, and as often as necessary to manage the Group activities.

Group meetings will be held at least 3 times a year, one of which will coincide with the AGM in March and another to coincide with the European Week of Safety.

It will be the intention that one of the meetings will comprise a formal training session / seminar on a relevant health and safety topic.

The Executive Committee is required to call a Group Meeting if there is a formal request by at least 10 members. This meeting will be  called within 8 weeks of the request being made.

7.4 Notice periods for meetings

Except for the AGM, where 8 weeks’ notice is required – all Group Meetings will be subject to a minimum of 6 weeks’ notice.

7.5 Voting rules

Voting will take place at the AGM.


Proposed changes to the Constitution will be made by the Committee and put to the Group in writing. The proposals will be subject to a majority vote at the AGM.

Notice of the proposal to change must be sent out with the Notice of the AGM, where possible, at least 8 weeks prior to the Meeting. If more than 10 members wish to change the Constitution at a time other than the AGM, the Committee must call an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) giving 8 weeks notice of the meeting.

Those members requesting the constitutional change will be expected to attend the EGM.


If, at any time, the North Lincs Health and Safety Group is disbanded for any reason, then any money left after all debts and liabilities have been cleared, will be donated to local charity(s).

The charities will be St. John’s Ambulance and the Red Cross as these charities donated a substantial sum for the initial establishment of the Group.


The North Lincs Health and Safety Group or its elected officers can accept no liability for the accuracy of information or advice passed freely to members or for the way in which such information and / or advice is interpreted and / or applied.

All Information and advice is taken from reputable and reliable sources so far as can be determined.